Support YouthBuild Philly - and Have Your Gift Matched!

Help Pave New Pathways To Progress to Support YouthBuild's Future!

Support YouthBuild Philly - and Have Your Gift Matched! image

Make a Gift to YouthBuild Philly Today to Unlock a Match!

Since 1992, YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School has proudly offered space for young leaders to overcome past experiences and pursue a Pathway to Progress toward a better future for themselves and their families. Our unique program combines rigorous academics with hands-on workforce development training, supported by wrap-around services to foster long-term success and leadership. We appreciate your commitment to our work and our young people - and we hope we can count on a new gift from you this year to help us unlock a gift match!*

Since our founding, YouthBuild Philly has conferred over 3,700 high school diplomas to talented, motivated young people, and helped them connect to college, career and leadership opportunities. YouthBuild's climate of love, support and respect for their entire person allows students to thrive and graduate as critically conscious leaders committed to positive change for their community.

As we start the 2024-2025 school year in our new state-of-the-art forever home at 2309 N. Broad Street, we have expanded the number of students we can serve each year and the supports we're able to offer. Please invest in our school so that we can continue to support young people toward future success. For more information on the work YouthBuild does, please visit our website or read about Amir Scales' (Class of 2023) embodiment of the YouthBuild core values on our campaign page.

*YouthBuild Philly is excited to share that a generous anonymous donor has awarded us a matching grant of up to $25,000 in general operating funds if we can raise $50,000 in new or increased donations this school year. This grant is dependent upon the generosity of our donors, and we hope that you will help us meet our $50,000 goal before the end of 2024! The first $1,000 or any donation (new or increased over past program gifts) will be counted toward this goal. Please know that any size gift you make has a tremendous impact on our program and our students - we appreciate your support!